Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Down with the Empire! Up with the Spring!"

2003 excerpt from "Do or Die: Voices from the Ecological Resistance" #10 [eco-action.org/dod/no10/empire.htm]:
After over a decade of radical ecological resistance in Britain, it's time to look back on our actions and look forward to the future. It's time to CELEBRATE our resistance: digger diving, window smashing, pleasant picnicking, office occupying, hoody wearing, GM crop trashing, squat cracking, sun lit lovin', machine burning, treeliving - total fucking anarchy. It's time to MOURN for our moment. Over the last decade thousands of species have been wiped out of existence. Vast forests - charred stumps. Coral reefs bleached dead by warmed seas. Millions starved within the prison of civilisation. Wild peoples massacred, enslaved and pauperised. It's time to STRATEGISE how to make a real impact on this apocalypse. Look seriously at our strengths and weaknesses and pull together to RESIST. The empire is powerful but the spring is growing. It's a challenge like no other, but with love, luck and hard resolve we can TRANSCEND.
* Part One: Recent Pre-History [eco-action.org/dod/no10/empire-history.htm]
* Part Two: The Four Tasks [eco-action.org/dod/no10/empire-tasks.htm]

Part Two: The Four Tasks is composed of four chapters, whose introductions are provided here, but whose contents need to be read at the links in order to overstand the proposition being formed.

I. Growing Counter-Cultures [eco-action.org/dod/no10/empire-task1.htm] -
 We need to catalyse living, loving, fighting counter-cultures that can sustain rebellion across generations. In both collective struggle and our everyday lives we must try to live our ecological and libertarian principles. Our counter-cultures must be glimmers of ecological anarchy - fertiliser for the growth of collective imagination. Fulfilling this task is what will enable the others to be fulfilled over the long haul. The counter-cultures must be bases from which to carry out 'thumb in the dam' actions and give support to rebellions beyond the core. In times of crisis they should act decisively against authoritarian groups. The counter-culture's eventual aim should be total social transcendence - (r)evolution.

II. Putting Our Thumb in the Dam [eco-action.org/dod/no10/empire-task2.htm] -
Just as counter-cultures must open up space for (r)evolution to grow we must also open up time. The life support systems of the earth are under unprecedented attack. Biological meltdown is accelerating. (R)evolution takes decades to mature. Unless force is used on the margins of the global society to protect the most important biological areas we may simply not have enough time. The last tribal examples of anarchy, from whom we can learn a lot, could be wiped out within decades if not militantly defended. 'Thumb in the Dam' struggles aim to protect ecological diversity understanding that this civilisation WILL be terminated, by either the unlikely possibility of global (r)evolution or the certainty of industrial collapse.

III. Preparing for Crises [eco-action.org/dod/no10/empire-task3.htm] -
We must have the ability to defend ourselves, survive, and exploit crises in society including capitalist attempts to destroy us. The divided and industrial nature of today's society has already determined the instability of tomorrow.

IV. Supporting Rebellion Beyond the Core [eco-action.org/dod/no10/empire-task4.htm] -
The counter-culture must act in real solidarity with our struggling sisters and brothers on other islands. Aid them in whatever we can and bring the 'majority world' battlefronts to the boardrooms, bedrooms and barracks of the bourgeoisie.

'zine excerpt from "Do or Die: Voices from the Ecological Resistance" #10 ISSN 1462-5989/ISBN 0-9545662-0-3. "Do or Die" 'zine archive is at [http://www.eco-action.org/dod/index.html]. "Do or Die" is a member of INK, the Independent News Collective, trade association of the radical and alternative press in the UK.

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